Friday we time shopping, because Drew's birthday money was burning a hole in his pocket. Saturday we relaxed, took naps, and spent the evening with Grammy D and Papaw. Sunday was another day of rest and errands because we desperately needed to make a Kroger and Sams run! I also summoned on Nay Nay to come watch Peyton because I made the mistake of grabbing the wrong end of the curling iron before church. A burn on 4 fingers makes taking care of my little man a tad difficult. Thankfully only one spot blistered, and it was really minor.
Today, on this wonderful Memorial Day we headed out to a Red Sox game because they were playing the Hillcats which are the Braves affiliates. We met up with the Klieners, SamShe, and Kaehlen and almost made it through the whole game. Ball park food, slushees and ice cream cones were consumed to deal with the heat, but the two kiddos just couldn't fall asleep in their sweat. I don't blame them! P was asleep as soon as we were leaving the park (I guess the breeze of moving helped). Thankfully he came home with 0 sunburn, although I can't say the same for Drew and I. More resting commenced, and then Drew made us yummy steak with corn on the cob and rolls. Perfection I say!! Now we're ending the night with kettle corn and you guessed it, relaxation. Drew's been opening pools the past couple weeks so he definitely deserved the break and me, well I take care of an infant all day every day! ;)
Oh, in case you were wondering, yes that is a hickie and no that is not from my husband. It's from my son. He just loves giving me kisses, but that often includes sucking on my cheek/chin and well, let's just say I didn't notice it fast enough! I sure do love his big hugs and kisses... well worth the awkwardness of a bruise on my cheek!
I hope y'alls weekend was as relaxing and fun as ours! I'm so grateful for so many men and women who have given their lives so that we can be free!!