
4 months

 I feel like this month was a huge one for Mr. Peyton. Yes, we traveled and partied a lot, but he also had some big milestones in our book.

He can take his paci out of his mouth and occasionally get it back in. He eats everything! Fingers. Blankets. Stuffed animals. Toys. Teethers. Hair. Shoulders. Noses. He's not picky although we try to avoid him sucking on everyone's unwashed fingers... who knows where they've been. Unfortunately he doesn't taste a difference so it's a tad difficult. 

He gives us big 'hugs' by grabbing around our necks tight (usually with a fistful of my hair) and 'kisses' by sucking my chin or cheek. I love the slobbery goodness!

He is so close to rolling over. Some say not to hurry and help them learn to do stuff like that, but we are because we love celebrating our sweet baby's accomplishments!

He's still eating well although we had a minor setback during the beach, I think we have got it under control.

He recognizes his name.
Peyton loves to play with blankets, toys, his play mat, exersaucer, BOUNCY SEAT, and swing. His favorites are his vibrating lion and his taggy blanket. 

He is beginning to find his feet. They get in the air easily, but he is still working on how to grab them.

He grunts and talks a lot and smiles all the time. I don't think he has met a stranger.

His face lights up every time he sees daddy... with. out. fail. 

He loves to... pinch. and pull hair. ouch!
This month his has met many new people who loved him from before he was born.

He had his first beach trip, sat through 2 college graduations, attended 1 wedding, snuggled with too many people to count, and played with 3 friends (Noah, Turin, & Kaehlen). He also is excited to announce his friend Caleb will be born in October... YAY! 

Mommy and Daddy are excited about his 4 month checkup next week so we can see how big he's getting! He sure seems like he's growing like a weed! Peyton isn't as thrilled since he will be getting more shots. :(

We sure do love you big boy. A little more every day!

1 comment:

  1. 1) I like him.
    2) Who does Caleb belong to?
    3) A & O are getting shots this week too...O's first time. Yikes! I'm making Jeremy take them. That's why I scheduled them before he starts a new non-flexible job :) I'm bad to the bone but I'm okay with it.
