
15 months and counting...

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 My sweet Sadie girl there is so much to say about you. You are 15 months old and growing like a weed. At the doctors office you weighed almost 24 pounds and were   inches long.Your hair is taking a lot longer to grow than you are which is slightly annoying for your Mama. I feel like new things are happening with you almost daily - and I love discovering what your little mind is learning. Watching you makes my heart happy... such as...

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhyLv1t7AEHIcabYD8_U7Bh70ljSxQRq7Q5E9wgj74VLK2-ACzjyLMn1uVsQ8DoGQg2qxmW0Hfj2Of6G-5J9JP7vaStgraB2kuw1xi-b64DAABqu7_zEl3syZgsBkjItbHaAckJIhJWzmQ/s1600/048.JPG

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The fact you say 'mama' 'dada' 'nahnah' 'baybay' 'ba' (book) and sign 'more, please, thank you, and all finished'. You have 3 signature faces which are all adorable. There's the surprised face - where you open your mouth super wide in an 'o' shape. The squinty smile which is just adorable. AND the glare, where you furl your eyebrows and I almost want to discipline you even though I know you don't know any better. 

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgN0uN6CODVNIVQy6xrp3xI14Kozj4VKyv_d6VLXyPVNDE8hmOAZQY9STKyrUF_b_wwC5o6nYuMvrpmcFIpX2z-atosLqBNoTIr8Zhc9EeuMqiGnqAfJwzkGYZaHCRnBZK0t5YRf0dJ5Z4/s1600/071.JPG
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I love that you sleep through the night now. Bedtime is around 7 and you usually stay in bed until around 9. You also are more snuggly - even though it isn't for long periods of time, you definitely are more cuddly. You need more physical touch and want me to hold you a lot! You also love to read right now, and like to back into my lap and plop down with every book from your bookshelf. 

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjT50sRd6rPscLT46Nz5b6XhKnaItH5u6sgt_cN7TtSAsCIpgyv04V4VvwDeP59r7w5isys2gT-3JgrN6ocBBmsQYLsNJWFCOgPbeh45WzJv_aHs4w7KHIVRbSQkmetqjOw35-g2t3r0Sk/s1600/Christmas+'14%2B003.JPG

You eat ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously you love to snack, but thankfully love the healthy stuff too. :) The bottle is gone, but you definitely love your milk! Toothbrushes are fascinating so at least you're keeping those pearly whites clean! (You have all but 1 of the teeth you're supposed to have, and you might have that one but you'd rather bite me than let me check!)

hide and seek, being super loud, splashing and loving your babies are a few things that make you happy. You squeeze your babies tight, and look for them and Elmo at bedtime. You dance every time music comes on, and request it all the time. Oh, and you my dear are a busy little bee. Nothing holds your attention for long, so you are definitely a tornado dropping things and moving on every minute or so.Discovering that crayons were for more than just eating was a relief to this Mama. Oh, can we take a moment to talk about the fact you run headlong into stuff, turn and keep on going. You only cry when you're exhausted... otherwise you don't even notice you just ran into a corner or door, or face-planted.

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiW4ZZyuqS7PXCTnghxugR4oeL4wDf2rTX9mG6NQ5Yqju41HPaXf6d7UBAkloBoyuDty3jOizFLYW2qaseBmWi8uO3WitBSlRzKWYIrhc4QFfF351WwVDZl4XF5m_TQs2JSgBOtDE58GBc/s1600/Oct+22,2014+006.JPG

Sadie, you are the typical younger sister who loves to get into whatever your brother does. He mostly loves you - hugging you and taking care of you - but you do tend to push a few buttons. I'm just praying the two of you will be best friends one day. 

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmRclgx8VuFgHylTZ7hN6GONbyaww6nF6SfxIwZz9glKxVVC64rCBCzKg4SRe9pP0umVlkwpH9ikUO9dhDIh0PYnyHffESHQkKKZWdhC2lPXcb6UKZMlUulsI9vjrfXLpcAv8_nbBbjSQ/s1600/Oct+22,2014+040.JPG

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You've been sick a lot this fall/winter with the last bug being the flu at Christmas. Poor baby had a 103 temp on Christmas night but was trying to have a good time anyway. You sweet girl have been a huge, crazy, independent, opinionated, exhausting blessing to our home for the past 15 months. We can't wait to see what the next 15 hold. Oh, and I hope those chubby cheeks of yours stay forever because they are just so kissable!! Love you Sadie Beth!

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