Peyton is still my super sweet, tender-hearted, snuggly boy. He often tells me he 'just needs me' when he wants to snuggle, and 'I just want you' or 'I just love you' when he wants me to stay in his bed a few more minutes. He still twirls his hair when he is sleepy but rarely plays with mine anymore. It breaks his heart when he gets in trouble - crying hysterically almost instantly. He has tried to hide things from us a few times, but is quick to repent when asked.
Peyton has been asking a lot about Jesus. Such as how did he make everything and what is God bigger than and how strong is god?? He was amazed that God could move mountains which was such a cool thing to witness his childlike faith. He loved VBS this summer and although he doesn't repeat words and sings songs with his class, he came home and repeated the verse perfectly weeks later!! He has memorized 4 verses this year and still remembers them all.
"Wherever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear the commands behind you. This is the way, walk in it!"
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!"
"Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right."
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever."
Peyton loves to swim and starting going underwater in June! It was such a huge accomplishment because he used to be afraid of water in his eyes in the bathtub! He also has learned how to fish and is getting great at riding his tricycles. He isn't afraid of the big slides anymore either! One of his favorite games right now is to jump into Drew's arms and then allow Drew to fling him back on the bed. He is pretty diverse on his shows right now - loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Inside Out, Batman, Odd Squad, PJ Masks, Goldie & Bear, Sophia...
Finally. There are some things that a mama just hopes their kid never stops saying. These are a few things Peyton has said this year that just melt my heart.
"Awe Phooey nuts guts"
"Chickem = Chicken"
"When am I going to be big like you daddy?"
"Well I know my mom. She loves cake. I know that because she is my mom and I know her"
"You can't eat my face because it's super glued on my neck!"
"I love you more than you love me! It's too late boss!"
"This is my blasternator!"