
Coloring is My Favorite

This kid...

LOVES to color! I'm serious, all the time. He sits at the table at colors with his crayons - mainly brown - and will color page after page of his paper. Then, when he gets tired of standing at the table, he gets down and lays on the floor with his crayons and paper. SO cute.

After he colors with crayons for a while, he often asks to go color on our front porch. He prefers the actual porch over the driveway, I guess because it's smoother. He will take his chalk and color, and then erase with his hands, and repeat. While doing this he also lays down and looks like he is concentrating so hard!

Of course after all the chalk and sweat from his outdoor masterpieces, he usually needs a bath. You would think he would want a break from his art, but no. The bathtub is the best place to doodle. He actually spent 30 minutes the other day drawing on all of the bath tub walls. Drew and I just sat and watched, cheering him on for all his wonderful creativity.

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