
I love that man (Date 32)

Drew and I have similar and yet different views when it comes to Valentine's Day. Drew thinks that it is purely a commercial holiday and he won't give in to buying the $50 roses or wait hours to take me to dinner when we can go any other day of the year. He stands firm to the stance of "I would rather treat you special throughout the year than to be told to treat you special one day a year."

Which I totally agree with.. but on the other hand...

I love the idea of Valentine's Day. Let me tell you a story.

Drew and I have been dating since February 1,2004. Technically we weren't supposed to so we didn't celebrate two weeks later, but the following year was my second FAVORITE memory of our dating years. He came over early and made me breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to eggs and pancakes, a HUGE stuffed teddy bear, a card with a mushy letter in it, and a dozen pink roses. :) I know, he did good. :) We spent time eating and then I got ready for work. For those of you who didn't know us then, we both were wait staff at Famous Anthonys so we got to spend the day working side by side. He had practice after work but we met up later to watch a movie with our friends Tara and Greg. I gave him a scrap book I had worked really hard on, and a letter. It was the perfect day.

It wasn't the perfect day because it was Valentine's Day and we did what we were supposed to do. It was perfect because we spent weeks before planning how we could make the other person feel special. I worked hard on a scrap book and he planned, shopped, and wrote a letter that probably took him FOREVER to write (he absolutely HATES writing letters... he would rather tell me what he thinks of me where as I would rather have it to look over a million times throughout the day year.)

So you see I don't have to celebrate a holiday, but I do love the fact that it gives us a reason to plan to make the other person feel loved. I like the homemade thoughts that came behind that Valentine's Day in 2005. I like feeling special and having to put forth an effort.

This year we didn't do anything extravagant. We cooked dinner side by side. We played a game by candlelight. I received white roses. He wrote me a note. (He refuses to buy and doesn't like receiving cards. He would rather have the 5 bucks... I'm mostly okay with that. :)) It wasn't extravagant, but it was a wonderful day with my best friend. and I am way okay with that!!

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