
Round Two

 Christmas Eve we went to the Hunsley's house for Christmas with Drew's family. We had a super yummy steak dinner. 

Afterwards we spent some time contemplating what it would be like to be someone in the story of Jesus' birth. It was pretty easy for me, since I'm great with child I've been thinking about  Mary a lot this season. :) I'm so glad that God knows everything about our Peyton and we don't have to worry about his life. Mary didn't have as long with her firstborn as she did with her other child. She had to watch him die a horrible death. Even still, she treasured the times she had with them and held them close to her heart. She had her hands open to what God had in store for Jesus, even though it was difficult. That is my hope for my baby. That my hands remain open so I do not get in the way of any great plan God has in store for Peyton Andrew. I don't need to worry about the diabetes or possible complications. God's not surprised by anything that happens to my sweet baby and I can rest easy at night knowing that. 

Wow, that was a tangent. After that we played a game that my soon-to-be sister-in-law plays with her family. It apparently is a German tradition. Someone hides a pickle somewhere in the Christmas tree, and all the kids have to try to find it. The winner gets a prize. Drew's mom, Phyllis, hid a tiny ornament and it took us forever to find it. Once we were able to touch the tree, Phyllis may or may not have shown me the general direction of the hiding spot. I may or may not have found it and claims to be the winner. Don't worry, we felt guilty a couple hours later and told the boys. I did get an I Tunes gift card out of the deal!

 After that presents were opened, new fluffy socks were worn, Nerf gun wars took place, and we ended the night with dessert and catch phrase.
 Round Two = Success

1 comment:

  1. :) Peyton has a great mommy and daddy that love Jesus and trust Him. He is a blessed and loved little baby. My favorite part of Mary in the Christmas story is when she "ponders these things in her heart". We used to play the pickle game with my grandma and grandpa Beer. It is a very German tradition, but it's pretty fun...and Wow, Nathan look so old! That is all for now...
