
I thought I might die - no joke

Everyone has their own story about Derecho. Here is mine.
When we left the wedding we filled up with gas and headed home. About an hour into our trip we started seeing ridiculous lightening. It was almost constant. We went through heavy wind but it stopped quickly. I think received a phone call from my sister and a text from Drew saying there was a horrible storm in Roanoke. An eerie storm where wind was blowing over our grill and causing major power outages, etc... While I was on the phone with Katie we were going over a bridge right near Harper's Ferry when the wind started up. It was fierce and creepy and came out of no where! People were turning around and parked at the Exon where rain was pouring, lightening was flashing and the wind was so loud Peyton woke up screaming! It was crazy how much trees were bending and branches were flying! Those of you who haven't been to Harper's Ferry, let me explain it to you. It is a gorgeous area where you drive on the side of a mountain while looking over a huge river - beautiful in the fall, but unsafe to drive through with wind 80 plus mph. So we waited it out for about an hour, had to turned around twice, and finally weaved through the trees in the road to make it home around 3am. Poor baby was as patient as can be but definitely needed his bed!


That’s what 65 hours without power will do. We were so blessed to have been able to go to my dads to get relief from the heat. But it has been a whirlwind of a couple weeks. Between spending the night elsewhere so we can watch the NBA finals, wanting to hang out with my sis as much as possible the week she was here. We also had VBS, and hung out with Tana who was in from Baltimore, and then we went to the wedding in Baltimore, and came home to a stuffy, dark house around 3 AM Saturday morning. We packed up that evening and headed to my dad’s. Finally around 9:30 Monday night we were home, and mostly unpacked. Baby was sleeping and Drew and my feet were all propped up.

Exhausted is what I am. And thankful that we are safely home. I love my little family. And the rest of my family who is there for us when we need them!

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