
Date #9 - Lunch and movies

This was the date Drew and I had last week, but better late than never right?? We have VBS all week so it was a whirl wind! Saturday was the first day we had NOTHING on the agenda and we were very excited!! Well, I had been planning for weeks for us to go tubing down the New River since we had a Saturday free but that's relaxing so it doesn't count as something on the agenda! :) Unfortunately, Saturday morning, after we spent several hours waiting for a guy to install our new hot water heater, I looked up directions for tubing and it was closed! The water level was too high, bummer. (Lauren, I guess we were not meant to go tubing! Maybe we should go together!) We went out for a late lunch to the Fork in the Alley. Two o'clock is the time to go, there wasn't any wait! :) Drew and I debated back and forth about going to see a movie. We NEVER do that anymore because of how ridiculously expensive so it would definitely be a treat. Unfortunately for us, we can't even splurge as a treat. Although we wanted to see several that were out, we didn't think any of them were worth spending that much. So what did we do?? We went to Movie Stars and bought 5 movies for the same price as a movie and popcorn of course! You know us and cheap movies! What did we do then?? You guessed it, we came home and watched two of them (one my pick and one Drew's) and completely vegged. It was awesome, you should try it sometime! :)

** Of course I didn't take pictures, Drew would have my head if I took picture in a restaurant and at a movie store. ;)

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