
All good things must come to an end

Friday & Saturday
Incase you didn't catch on. This would be our Date 28. :) I think spending a week together qualifies.
Friday we woke up with thoughts of going ice skating, but the more we walked around the more we decided we would rather explore than skate in circles and pay more money for something. So we walked around a different part of Central Park (it's big) and went in some stores (I could definitely find a lot of stuff for my house at Anthropology... it may be a new favorite) and ate lunch at a corner Pizza shop. 2 slices of pizza and a coke for $2.75 and it was good. No really, Drew said it may be his favorite ever. YUM-O. Oh yea, and we had people ask us for directions. Not only that, but Drew knew how to answer that. Does that mean we have upgraded from tourists to visitors?? It should.

We drove to Baltimore where we stayed one more night away from home. We stayed at an old hotel that is nice but doesn't have the hot tub I was looking forward to. We went to Ikea where I found some neat nick knacks and ate at Chili's. :) Relaxation was the definition of the rest of the night.

Favorite - the pizza. and good conversation at dinner.
Least - paying Delaware $7 to be in their state for approximately 10 minutes. uncool. oh. and getting to our hotel in Baltimore and realize it's Valet parking. yuck.

Favorite - exploring Anthropology and Ikea. Chili's was good as well.
Least - realizing our hotel in Baltimore, while very nice and gives me bath and body spa soap and lotion, does not have a hot tub. I NEED to soak my sore feet and hip and was very much looking forward to it!
My husband: "Did you know that this is the perfect crime? An icicle right through the chest. There is no evidence." Dwight Schrute you are a bad influence on my man.

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