This whole 'dating' thing is harder than it looks. When you are actually dating, things are new, exciting and when you don't live with that person, you long to go out so you can see each other. When you are dating your spouse, well, you live with them. ;) I love Drew so much and spend so much time with him, but as far as planning the date and setting aside specific times, well, I'm not so good at that. Forgive me when I gather several weeks at a time, and there aren't a whole lot of details. I'd be embarrassed except, sometimes, the random times with my man are better than the 'going out to dinner' norm.
The Monday before Christmas, Drew and I were invited to our new friends Josh and Echo's house. They have been coming to Oakland since August, and we have been thrilled to have a young couple there to encouraged us! Echo made some wonderful cal zones and snuggles were had with their newborn baby Nycole. :) She sure is a cutie! God sure has answered a huge prayer by bringing them into our lives and we are grateful!
The following week we were dealing with house stuff and getting ready to head to the youth retreat. Vedging was the #1 thing on our agenda, followed by relaxing, with some cleaning in between. :) Don't judge me.
Yaay for New York trips :) I love ya sweetie!