
Date #18 - food, ice cream, office

Tonight we spent the evening talking, (A lot.) and then laughing. (A lot.) We vacuumed out my car, and then headed to dinner. We were going to try Cheddar's but for some reason Famous Anthony's sounded good to Drew so that's where we headed. It was actually amusing thinking back when the two of us waited tables there. Oh the memories. :) Then, since Bruster's was across the street, Drew twisted my arm because he wanted to go get ice cream SO BAD! Okay, so he didn't get anything, but it's ice cream. I don't think I have to explain myself every time I each it. :) We have watched the office from the beginning, and found the 6th season on Netflix so we spent the rest of the evening watching it. Oh how I enjoy those people and how they make me smile.

Here are my hip and happenin' shoes I bought.

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