
Be Still My Heart

 I am so blessed to be able to spend time with these two cuties. I can't believe how much they are growing and what fun they are at this age!

 Mason cooperating and saying 'cheese'. He's so cute.
Kylee being stubborn and saying 'no' when I asked her to say cheese. Typical, and yet still adorable.
We had a great long day making cookies, playing in the snow, taking a bath, watching movies, and building forts. :) They are such good kids! I was very amused watching Kylee in the snow because she couldn't walk in it because she was so bundled up. When she finally learned from her big brother to eat the snow she kept biting it and spitting it out. Mason on the other hand, had a blast eating/gargling the snow and throwing it in the air. I've gotta say, I have a pretty great job.

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