
Relaxing Despite the Chaos

When looking up the word chaos in the dictionary, it informed me that the word means, "a condition or place of great disorder or confusion." PERFECT. That is a great summary of the past week. Disorder is not always a bad thing, because I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the chaos. On Friday, Katie, Jeremy, Audrey, Owen and Mom came to stay with Drew and I. Not Friday as in yesterday, Friday a week ago. I was so excited to spend a huge amount of quality time with them, and am grateful looking back, that I did. :) It was slightly chaotic though. Here is a run down...
  • mom rolled her ankle after only being here an hour
  • Drew painted the youth room Friday and Saturday... lots of work but looking good!
  • I was privileged to take family pictures of the Naffs on Saturday... perfect weather! :) Crazy active 2 year-old
  • Sunday lunch at Momar and Dadaddy's (grandparents)... good food and conversations... with church before and after.
  • 3 of my toothbrushes were stolen by sneaky Audrey
  • I think 3 or 4 toilet paper rolls (whole, unrolled) were stuffed in the toilet.. I lost count, but Audrey thoroughly enjoyed herself
  • I worked all week except Thursday, and always hurried home to cuddle my niece or nephew and chat with my sister and mom... one night I actually forgot to go tell Drew hello when I got home. Whoops!
  • Audrey got sick Monday, Katie got 'it' Wednesday night, Mom somewhere in between and Jeremy Friday morning.
  • Thanksgiving morning/early afternoon Drew and I spent time with his parents and Nathan. We missed Bryan but had a great relaxing time! I thought I would be stuffed, having two thanksgivings, but there was a good amount of time in between.
  • Chuck E Cheese with Drew, Jeremy, Audrey, Mason, and Kylee on Friday... there is the definition of chaotic right there
  • Drew and I had a lot of plans for this weekend which included sanitizing the house, schoolwork, Christmas decorating, shopping, cleaning the car, Drew preaching on Sunday, etc... We had no obligations but being together and we were SO excited! 
  • Friday evening I get sick, sometime around 2 AM Saturday, Drew gets sick. We spend the day in separate rooms with mixing bowls beside us... i know, TMI.
  • We are both weak and have fevers, but are optimistic that the worst is behind us... phew!
  • Here's to hoping tomorrow is a productive day!

 Can you tell that our chaotic thanksgiving revolved around two cuties... because it definitely did!

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