
oh the hopes I have for this week

I am done with my first 3 classes at Liberty, and although I haven't received my grades yet, I know that I did the best with the time that I have. I feel like God definitely stretched me, and I'm so glad that I am back in school. I will finish, and I will grow closer to God through this journey.

That being said, IT'S SPRING BREAK!!! Oh I have high hopes for these coming 10 days.

Can we say hello to Karen Kingsbury?? Oh how I have missed reading for pleasure. I will be taking in as many of these fabulous books as possible!

Sleep sounds good right? I'll be doing a lot of that! :)

Long Bubble baths? Absolutely!

Relaxed time with my hubby... well, we shall see about that. He is still working on the house, but hey! I can help him with that! heh... maybe.

Catching up with multiple friends will have to be fit into that time. I miss girl time a lot.

Helping my sister move next weekend without having to hurry home to do homework... yea that sounds like a plan.

While I'm at it, I'll probably go to my exercise class multiple times, date my hubby, go to a birthday party, perhaps pick out some rugs for my house. Who knows, I may try a couple new recipes. (I set a goal to try 1 new one a week... 2 weeks in and I am succeeding.)

Now these plans might sound crazy busy, especially since I will still be working every day, and have several church functions. (Youth volleyball starts this Thursday) but to me, it sounds relaxing. I will be doing what I want to do without having to cram a lot of material in my head at once.

Have I told you that I will only be taking two classes this second 8 weeks. I am also looking forward to that. I think I will retain more. I'm exciting about starting that as well, buuuttt... I'm getting way ahead of myself.

First... Karen Kingsbury.


  1. I hadn't posted a comment on your blog in a very long time, so I thought that now was as good of a time as any to say hello and that I enjoyed catching myself up your postings. :) Have a wonderful Spring Break and congratulations on 3 classes down!

  2. I enjoyed this because I know exactly how you feel! :) I'm on spring break this week and I've read some Karen Kingsbury myself, and watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls (I got season 7 at the beginning of the semester... and in six weeks, I watched 3 episodes. sad!) Love you and keep hanging in there!
